Get A Signed Book While Supporting M.S. Research!

If you've read either of the Pentecost and Parker mysteries then you know that Lillian Pentecost manages to be the best private investigator in the five burrows and beyond despite being diagnosed with Multiple sclerosis. As the timeline of the series progresses, I expect to continue to delve deeply--and hopefully truthfully--into what living with this disease looks like. Or looked like, since the books take place in the 1940s and thankfully treatment has progressed since then. 

To help raise aware, and hopefully some dough, to support the effort to advance research, treatment, and an eventual cure for the disease, I’ve set up a donation page for the National M.S. Society. And since I’ve accumulated a tower of author comps of Fortune Favors The Dead (both the American and UK hardcovers and paperbacks), I will gladly trade you signed books for donations to the MS Society. Here's how it'll work.

-Click On The Donation Page

-Make a one-time donation of $40 or more. 

-In the message section, put your mailing address. Click on the box that ensures only I will see the message. Unless you want your mailing address up on the donation page

- At the end of March (National M.S. Awareness month) I will mail you a signed copy of Fortune Favors The Dead. Which version (UK/US; hardcover/paperback) will be decided by the roll of a four-sided die.

THE FINE PRINT: This offer is available only to those living in the United States (because of international shipping costs) and to the first 40 donors (because that's how big my leaning tower of books is). 

However, if you feel inclined to donate but don't want a signed book, please do!  Say you don't want a book in the notation section. That way I'll know you didn't just forget to put your address. You will have my sincerest thanks and the thanks of those diagnosed with M.S. and their loved ones. 




MURDER UNDER HER SKIN Named One of the Best Mysteries of 2021 by New York Times